Ethereum: Solidity Fundamentals

Ethereum: Solidity Fundamentals

As a developer building blockchain applications, understanding the basics of Solidity is crucial. In this article, we’ll go over the basics of the Solidity programming language used in Ethereum smart contracts.

What is Solidity?

Solidity is a programming language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s an open-source language based on C++ with some additional features and constructs tailored for blockchain development.

Solidity Concepts

Before we dive into specific topics, let’s review some basic concepts:

  • Variables: Variables are used to store data within a contract.
  • Functions: Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. In Ethereum contracts, functions are the building blocks of complex logic.
  • Events

    Ethereum: Solidity fundamentals

    : Events trigger specific actions within a contract and can be used to notify other parties about changes in the state of a contract.

Solidity Basic Syntax

Here is an example of the basic Solidity syntax:

pragma solidity ^0,6,0;

contract MyContract {

uint public myVariable;

function assertAssetsFromBridge(

bytes callDataMessage,

bytes callDataCertificate

) public {

// Comment: This is a Solidity comment, not code.

// Write code using the function keyword and define variables or functions here.



In this example:

  • pragma solidity ^0.6.0; is a pragma directive that specifies the Solidity version to use.
  • contract MyContract { ... } specifies the scope of the contract.
  • “uint public myVariable;” declares and initializes a variable of type “uint”.
  • `function pretensionsets


In Solidity, variables are declared using the “var” keyword:

pragma sturdiness ^0.6.0;

contract Self-Contract {

uint public myVariable;

constructor() public {

// Comment: This is a Solidity comment, not code.

// Write code using the 'constructor' keyword.

myVariable = 10; // Initialize a variable



Variables can be declared inside a function, class, or module.


Solidity functions are defined using the function keyword:

pragma sturdiness ^0.6.0;

contract Self-Contract {

uint public myVariable;

function claimAssetsFromBridge(

bytes calldata message,

bytes calldata certificate

) public {

// Comment: This is a Solidity comment, not code.

// Write code using the function keyword and define variables or functions here.

myVariable = 20; // Update the value of a variable



Functions can take any type of input parameters, including “bytes”, “uint”, “address”, etc.


In Solidity, events trigger certain actions in a contract. Events can be used to notify other parties about changes in the contract state:

pragma strength ^0,6,0;

contract MyContract {

uint public myVariable;

event ClaimedAssetsFromBridge(

address indexed sender,

uint256 sumClaimed


function claimAssetsFromBridge(

bytes calldata message,

bytes calldata certificate

) public {

// Comment: This is a Solidity comment, not code.

// Write code using the 'event' keyword and define the event here.

emit ClaimedAssetsFromBridge(message sender, 10); // Trigger the event with a message



Events can be emitted using the ’emit’ keyword.

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